Fun quiz: General culture

Hello there!

Are you good at English? How much do you know about English general culture? 

Test yourself with the following quiz. 


Vocabulary :

birthplace : lieu de naissance, coral reef : récif coralien, slavery : esclavage, share a border : partager une frontière

  • 1/ Great Britain is made up of which countries ?

    Great Britain is made up of which countries ?
  • 2/ What is the capital of Canada ?

    What is the capital of Canada ?
  • 3/ Which of these American States does not have a desert ?

    Which of these American States does not have a desert ?
  • 4/ During Prohibition (1920-1933) Americans couldn’t...

    During Prohibition (1920-1933) Americans couldn’t...
  • 5/ The birthplace* of the Beatles is...

    The birthplace* of the Beatles is...
  • 6/ Slavery* was officially abolished in the United States in...

    Slavery* was officially abolished in the United States in...
  • 7/ The British prime minister lives at ...

    The British prime minister lives at ...
  • 8/ Martin Luther King was a...

    Martin Luther King was a...
  • 9/ Which of these US states does not share a border* with Mexico ?

    Which of these US states does not share a border* with Mexico ?
  • 10/ What is the name of the world’s largest coral* reef ?

    What is the name of the world’s largest coral* reef ?
  • 4 votes. Moyenne 5 sur 5.