NEWS November 2021


Guy fawkes



1. Why is Guy FAWKES famous?


Guy Fawkes was a British soldier who was involved* (*impliqué) in a plan to attack the Parliament and King James I.


James i

                                                                                                                                       James I


The plan was known as the Gunpowder Plot.

Fawkes and the others were stopped before they could carry out* (* mener à bien) the plan.

Today, in Britain, people remember the failure* (*l'échec) of the plot (*complot) by celebrating Guy Fawkes Day on November 5.




2.Who was Guy FAWKES?


Fawkes was born in York, England, in 1570. He belonged to* (*appartenir à) an important Yorkshire family.

As a young man, he became a Roman Catholic.

At the time, there were many conflicts* (*conflits) between Protestants and Roman Catholics. The Protestant Church of England was the official religion, and Roman Catholics felt that they were mistreated* (*maltraités) by the government.


                                                                                                                            War in the Netherlands


Fawkes left England in 1593 to join the army of Spain in the Netherlands* (*Pays-Bas). Spain was a Catholic country.

In the Netherlands, he won a reputation for great courage.



3. What was the plan?


In England, at that time* (*à cette époque), a man named Robert Catesby and a small band of Catholics began to plan* (*planifier) an attack on the government.

They knew about Fawkes and in 1604 asked him to return to England to help them.


Guy fawkes plotters

                                                                                                                                   The plotters


The plotters* (*complotistes/ terroristes) rented* (*louer) a cellar* (*cave) under the Palace of Westminster ,

and Fawkes hid* (hide, hid, hidden: cacher) many barrels of gunpowder* (*tonneaux de poudre à canon) there.

Guy fawkes arrest

Guy Fawkes's arrest


But the plot was discovered.

(Click on the link below to know how!)



Fawkes was arrested on November 4, 1605the day before* (*la veille) the attack was to take place* (*se passer).

He and the other members of the plot were executed opposite the Parliament building in January 1606.





4. How do people celebrate today?


Watch the 2 videos and find out how GUY FAWKES DAY has become a national day

and how English people celebrate BONFIRE NIGHT on November 5.




Let's play and test yourself!


Logo new







Eric adams


Tonight, New York has chosen one of you -- one of our own. I am you. I am you,” .

“After years of praying and hoping and struggling and working, we are headed to City Hall.”


Democrat* (*le démocrate) Eric ADAMS has been elected New York City mayor* (*maire).

He defeated* (* a vaincu) Republican Curtis SLIWA on Tuesday November 2, 2021.


Curtis sliwa Curtis SLIWA


His next task* (*tâche)  will be to steer* (*diriger) a damaged* (*endommagée) city through its recovery* (*guérison) from the coronavirus pandemic.


Ny pandemic 1

New York City during the pandemic


Ny pandemic 2    


Eric ADAMS was a former* (*ancien) New York City police captain and the Brooklyn borough* (*arrondissement de NY) president.

He will become the second Black mayor of the nation’s most populous* (*densément peuplée) city. David Dinkins, who served from 1990 to 1993, was the first.


David dinkinsDavid DINKINS


The former mayor in NYC was Bill De Blasio. He was the mayor from 2014 to 2021.

Bill de blasio

Bill De Blasio and his family


Eric adams victory


Eric ADAMS’ victory seemed all but assured as Democrats outnumber* (*être plus nombreux) Republicans 7 to 1 in NYC.




Happy gb5643eecd 640

Every fourth* (* quatrième) Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the U.S.A.

In Canada, it is celebrated in October.

On that day, schools are closed and there is no school on Friday either* (* non plus)!


Turkey gc27968203 640


Families get together* (*se rassembler) and invite their friends. They prepare a big dinner with a lot of food.


Cranberries 4658414 640


The traditional meal is made of roasted turkey* (*dinde rôtie), sweet potatoes (called yam)* (*patates douces, aussi surnommées 'yam'), gravy* (*sauce au jus de viande), corn* (* maïs), pumpkin pie* (*tarte à la citrouille) and cranberry* (*canneberge) sauce.


Thanksgiving 2903166 640


Before dinner, people give thanks* (*remercier) for the things they have and to the people they love.

It is a joyful* (*joyeux) moment that families love spending together!


Thanksgiving cards 2021Thanksgiving cards 2021 - 6è1


Did you know about this tradition?


  • 3 votes. Moyenne 5 sur 5.


  • Anne T.
    • 1. Anne T. Le 03/12/2021
    This is a very nice article about this well-known celebration ! Years ago I lived in Missouri (USA) and was lucky to share a thanksgiving meal with an American family. It was a very happy moment.
    Have a nice weekend, take care.
    • englishteacher8
      • englishteacher8Le 04/12/2021
      Thanks for sharing this personal memory with me! You are always there for me too and I hope will always be! Love
  • Anne T.
    • 2. Anne T. Le 12/11/2021
    Congrats to Eric Adams ! I'm so happy a Democrat was elected as the City Mayor of NYC !
    "The City that never sleeps" has quite suffered these past years, so I'm sure the new mayor will do his best to help New Yorkers...
    Thanks teacher for this article ! Have a good week-end.
    • englishteacher8
      • englishteacher8Le 12/11/2021
      My pleasure! Indeed NYC will need all the new mayor's will and energy to wake up and shine bright again! Regards xox
  • Anne T.
    • 3. Anne T. Le 03/11/2021
    Super article, clair et précis !
    Les vidéos et les activités que tu proposes réjouiront les 6e et les 5e, sans nul doute !
    Encore une fois merci pour ton travail de recherche et tout ce matériel pédagogique que tu mets gentiment à notre disposition.
    Take care and have a happy Guy Fawkes Day !
    • englishteacher8
      • englishteacher8Le 06/11/2021
      Thanks dear Anne. I'm delighted you enjoyed it! Have a nice and relaxing weekend!

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